Meta & Fysikken: Afsnit 41: Rumskrald & politiske løsninger på fremtiden

Idag tager vi fat på den omsiggribende problematik omkring den stigende mængde rumskrald, gamle satelitter, raketdele, udrangerede rumstationer mv, som svæver rundt om jorden. Hvordan løses det?

Hermed et par links til dagens afsnit:

1) Satellite Kirkegård

2) Denne artikel om rumskrald er rigtig god og lang. Jeg har tænkt mig at gå igennem det hele:

a) 724BA026-B481-4CE9-9A61-FA5D17090C55.png

b) incident: July 16, 2015 near miss. Space Control Squadron notified Jim Cooney, the I.S.S.’s trajectory-operations officer. No time to get out of the way.

c) Kessler Syndrom At NASA, Donald Kessler was the first to grasp that space pollution posed a strange form of high-speed environmental damage. In the worst case, he warned, collisions of debris could trigger one another in an unstoppable cascade—a scenario that became known as the Kessler syndrome.

d) The Iridium-Kosmos collision

In February, 2009, four hundred and ninety miles above Siberia’s Taymyr Peninsula, on Russia’s Arctic coast, two intact satellites rammed into each other for the first time. One was owned by Iridium, the American communications company, and the other was a derelict Soviet Kosmos satellite. They were travelling at tremendous speeds; upon impact, plumes of shrapnel spread outward like ribbons around the globe. The collision—combined with the debris caused by the Chinese ASAT test—added nearly six thousand objects to the NORAD catalogue.

f) 2018 RemoveDebris: ( Hvalfangst inspireret. (harpun og net). Skulle sendes ud fra ISS. NASA var ved at få et føl på tværs

g) ESA vil gerne have taget deres Envisat ned (8 tons) A few years ago, the European Space Agency decided that Envisat might be too challenging as a first goal, and so it drew up a list of other derelict objects and issued a tender to bring one down. ClearSpace won (13 firmaer bød ind).

3) Andre Rumskraldefirmaer

a) Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency had launched a similar device, a half-mile “electrodynamic tether” designed to grab junk in space. (The tether was made with the help of a Japanese company that has been weaving fishing nets for more than a century.) It failed.

b) Clear Space Dec. 2019 ClearSpace Schweiz 🇨🇭 winner of a tender to bring down ESA junk.

Første design var en robot arm med klo. Senere et net.

In 2019, this company won a tender for a European Space AgencySpace Safety program contract in the Active Debris Removal/In-Orbit Servicing (ADRIOS) project. It will target the Vega Secondary Payload Adapter from 2013 Vega flight VV02for de-orbiting.

c) Astroscale A Tokyo-based company, Astroscale, has raised a hundred and forty million dollars in venture capital, and this year plans to launch an experiment to grab and control an orbiting artifact

d) Nanoracks ( is hoping to convert orbiting rocket bodies into habitable space stations, and is even preparing a space-based test of a tool that can slice metal without shedding debris.

4) Nobelprisen 1/3 til MPE (Garching) obs af sorte huller specielt den i vores galakse.