Posts in Traveling with kids
Episode 15: Travel insurance, side costs when traveling, taking kids out of their local environment

This week we chat about all the side costs that many never think about, before the leave on a journey, They can certainly add op to something quite expensive. And maybe even ruin your budget.

We also talk about the response when we took our kids out of their usual environment and went traveling.

We have a brand new YouTube channel, so check out how it looks when we record:

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Episode 6: The struggles and consequences of long-term travel

This week we dive into the more problematic aspects of travel: Long-term travels! This kind of traveling is still exciting and cool, but there are several things you need to be aware of, and it is NOT the same as being on vacation!

We have a brand new YouTube channel, so check out how it looks when we record:

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Episode 4: Christmas is sneaking in on us, Chinese fast-trains and much more

We had just a few small sound issues on this one. Bare with us. We sit far apart and make do with what we have, in terms of technical equipment.

Anyway, today we talk about European vs English/American/Australian Christmas traditions. Mark talks about riding Chinese express trains. We share experiences in terms of food and eating whilst traveling. Animals in Australia will kill you, or so they say. Plus much, much more.

We have a brand new YouTube channel, so check out how it looks when we record:

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Episode 2: Impressions from Vienna, Austria, AirBnB, Flying Chinese etc

In this episode we chat about Anders’ recent family holiday in Vienna, Austria. What’s to see? What was not so good? AirBnB experiences - We’ve both had them! Mark shares some experiences from flying with Chinese airlines. Some Bali tips and much, much more….

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Episode 1: About travelling with and without family, importance of valid passports and more

In this first episode we - Anders Jensen and Mark Wyld - introduce ourselves. We talk about how we got to travel i en first place, and then later on with our families.

During our unscripted conversations we WILL wander of in terms of topic. For instance, in this episode we talk about the importance of valid passports, and the trouble of getting these. Even when there is a tight deadline.

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